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Latest from us

Happy Holidays everyone! 🎅🏻 It’s amazing to realize that 2016 is almost at an end! This past year has been wonderful in so many ways and we are so blessed with the support of everyone in the industry and our friends, families and fans. 2017 is gearing up to be another great year for the band and we’re sincerely grateful to all of you for making it possible for us to live our dream! If we don’t see you before then, our hopes are that your Christmas is merry and that the holidays are spent with friends and loved ones, and that 2017 is the best year you’ve had in many! Stay tuned! #happyholidays #crazysanta #fuckyeah

Latest from us

CATERPILLARS just passed the 5,000 follower mark on Instagram, so we’re celebrating with a giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a CATERPILLARS koozie and our new album, “The Wicked and Wonderful.”

To enter, head over to our Instagram page (http://ift.tt/2hy8KvD), then:

1) Make sure you’re following us.
2) Like the post with this picture.
3) Comment on the post.

Extra entries to those who tag their friends and repost this pic and tag us! Winner will be randomly selected on Sunday, December 18th.

We are blown away and thank each and every one of you who have helped us reach this milestone already! We are so excited for what’s to come and it’s awesome having you guys following our journey!

Good luck and much love! 🙏❤️